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Comprehensive crypto market allocation with single investment

Kvarn Capital Fund I Ky is a high-yield alternative investment fund (AIF) aimed at professional investors. Fund brings cryptoassets as part of your portfolio, enabling crypto allocation via regulated investment product.

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Incorporating the crypto assets into your alternative investment strategy

Web 3.0 is one of the most rapidly growing technological megatrends. Blockchains bring digital ownership to the internet, enabling an entirely new paradigm of economic activity. 

The fund invests its assets in both established blockchain technologies and early-stage projects, providing comprehensive access to the sector's full potential. Investing in the fund, secures your share of value creation in this rapidly expanding industry.  Capture the full benefits of our expert network's insights in investment selection and risk management.


Several studies show that institutional investors' interest in the digital asset sector has been growing rapidly. In BNY Mellon's 2022 research, institutional investors' total allocation to cryptoassets is already around 3.6%.

Our fund offers professional investors comprehensive diversification and the opportunity to benefit from the exceptionally high long-term return potential of the industry with well-managed risk. Our experienced investment team acts as a bridge between the needs of traditional investors and the rapidly evolving digital asset sector

Joonas Järvinen

CIO, Kvarn Capital

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    Effective diversification brings cryptos alongside traditional asset classes in your portfolio.
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    Transparent and regulated alternative investment fund (AIF) solution with institutional-level risk management.
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    An investment team with extensive experience in investing in the crypto sector, complemented by a carefully curated partner network.

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Get to know us

Investing with high cyclicality

Crypto markets are known for volatility, with movements following macroeconomic trends. Therefore, timing plays a significant role in managing crypto investments. The 2022 bear market brought market valuations to attractive levels for market entry. Our fund aims to the crypto industry's next growth phase, with an operating period allowing for coverage of the entire market cycle.

Cryptoassets are high-risk investment for which the investors are compensated with exceptionally high return potential. For more detailed information on the risks and returns of the investment, you may request the fund's general information via the contact form.

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The fund invests in the sector both through direct investments and through carefully selected external funds.

The fund invests in the sector through both direct token investments and carefully selected external funds. All direct investments go through Kvarn's investment process, and selections are made from the top 50 tokens based on market capitalization. Kvarn's external fund partner is a leading international crypto asset manager with a successful and proven track record of returns and established networks in the sector. The expertise of our fund partner in the industry and their active work in finding new investment opportunities add a significant alpha component to the fund's investment strategy.



Kvarn Capital is a professional partner for investments and asset management in the digital asset space

Kvarn Capital Fund I Ky is one of the first EU-regulated Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) focused on digital assets and targeted towards professional investors. Kvarn Asset Management  is a part of the Kvarn group and acts as the regulated Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), meeting the highest financial industry's risk management, reporting, and integrityreliability standardsrequirements. Our operations are supervised by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA).

The minimum subscription of the fund is €100,000.

Order more information about the fund using the form below, and our expert will be in touch with you.

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